Air Pressure - The weight of air pressing down on earth.

Anticyclone - A high-pressure system that moves in the oppisite direction of a cyclone, they normally bring sunny skies.

Atmosphere - A layer of gases surrounding a planet.

Barometric Pressure - It’s the same as air pressure.

Blizzard - An intense winter storm with winds of 35 m.p.h. or higher, with fallin or blowing snow that can reduce your ability to see around you.

Breeze - A light wind.

Cirrus Clouds - Thin, feathery clouds that form high up in the atmosphere as their water vapor freezes into ice crystals.

Clear Sky - when there are no clouds in the sky.

Condensation - The change from water vapor to liquid water.

Cyclone - A low pressure system. Usually described as tornadoes, water spouts, dust storms, hurricanes or any other type of strong wind.

Dew - Water that forms on objects such as grass, leaves or other objects close to the ground when its temperature falls below the dew point of the surface air.

Drizzle - Light rain made up of tiny rain droplets.

El Niño - the unusual warming of Earths surface waters, that can have major effects on weather all across the globe.

Flash Flood - Sudden flooding that occurs when floodwaters rise quickly with no warning after several houirs of intense rain.

Front - A boundary between two different air masses, resulting in stormy weather.

Funnel Cloud - A tornado that doesn’t reach the ground.

Greenhouse Effect - The heating effect of the Earth's atmosphere.

Hail - A combination of liquid and frozen precipitation formed when rain drops freeze in a clouid and bounce up and down and layers form.

Humidity - The amount of water vapor in the air.

Relative Humidity - the ratio of how much water vapor is in the air compared to how much it can hold.

Temperature- measure of how hot or cold something is.

Thermometer - The instrument that measures temperature.

Water Vapor - It’s a gas in the atmosphere.

Weather - condition of the air at a particular time and place.





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